Saturday, March 12, 2011

Nordic Poles Available In Fredericton Nb

Stake Special - Suite Before and After.

Hello people. Today is a special episode. In fact more than special.
Today I'll show you small samples of the new room of my suite, still under renovation!
will open it when I'm done.
The idea would be to make a very kitsch Library and refined. Now is not finished yet but when it is over is completely black with a white finish on top.
Everything will be enhanced by the gray walls of great effect!
front of the library there will be a couch (I recently gave a free, green water is all very nice).
And then the touch floral. 'S why I created in a vase decorated with two strips of bamboo to great effect.
Besides paintings, clocks retro style e. .. you find out when I open to the public the room!
Next Saturday I'll show you an exclusive room already finished or in part.
My inspiration:

and here are some not yet complete details of my room:

Here's the video of new song by Michael Jackson


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