Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Barley Flakes & Weight Loss

The Pupetto and English. Never as now I realize.

last few laps this morning for offices, the withdrawal of Gabi's birth certificate to the Registrar of Civil Velez Malaga, where his authentic birth certificate that, where the birth took place in Velez Malaga on May 25, 2010, engendered by me and Buddha their names of our parents or grandparents, that here in Spain have the habit of putting the names of the parents you never know who you are wrong, but that if van forward so we almost found myself in the certificate the names of great-grandparents of the baby!

Next stop, Policia Nacional located in Torre del Mar, Velez a few miles from where we had an appointment at 10:40, got an appointment through the internet page of the appointments to make or renew Dni / Passports, which are here in Spain modern appointments Ste practices for the medical, bureaucratic and other things you take away the internet, and for that I'm not complaining, in fact, thank you, thus saving money on phone calls and petrol to go around. The woman who

awaits us, this English red sweater in his fifties with lipstick and matching sweater, seems to have some problem of incontinence that already just sitting at his desk exclaims with a colleague who needs the bathroom, but another colleague came in and there seems be known for doing things long enough in that bathroom, not understanding if the two wish if Porelli have intestinal problems, if you close the bathroom to read a newspaper, or just smoke a cigarette on the sly. Halfway through the practices of officials in charge of passports can run to the bathroom meet its needs.

We required your baby's birth certificate, a passport and fill out a slip by one of two parents, and in case I am Buddha volunteers. I think maybe continue the practice is really easy, maybe I could pass for my child any child found on the street, but not too many questions I ask myself which is better.

time 10 minutes, complete with an official in the bathroom, the baby's passport is ready!

Gabi and English, has his passport and is free to leave the country and travel all over Europe.

auks I realize that my son is English. Now, not that I'm stupid, but producing a child, looking into his eyes every day, for some reason I had got the idea that he was Italian. The concept is not easy to explain, and certainly, he the Italian mother, not even the nationality, because I have not filled out forms to give it to him and frankly I am thinking to wait a little longer, as the practice is quite long and difficult, not wanting to be together with the classic problems with patner Italian English which generates a son from the double surname, but because the consulates are ruled by incompetent workers almost always find myself with the baby that could be entered with the two surnames of the father, becoming his brother, and not with their father's surname followed by of the mother. Here, avoiding such a misunderstanding, leaving, for now, only the English nationality, I am saving a stomach ache which is always good. But there

I thought of as an Italian Gabi. But he is English. He was born in Spain of a English father, the first steps they are moving here, what I am listening to the two languages, but we are in a English context. And it has a passport that will notify its nationality.
The feeling is strange. The feeling is that I finally understand what it means to be foreign and have children abroad. The feeling is summed up in the fact that I am a foreigner and he is here to stay.

I asked, do not know why the official, if he knew what was the practice to apply for English nationality. I will have to go to seek information from the Registro Civil.

Because I think I might change my nationality?

Because if hypothetically I were to spend the rest of my life in Spain, just as this is a hypothetical possibility but not a hope, I would not always be the foreigner. I would also go in the office of the Policia Nacional and give me a passport in 10 minutes, and not to wait maybe 8 months through consulate fingers crossed that everything goes well paying € 80 or more, or deciding to do it in Italy to be told, as to the identity card, which was renewed in 2009 in the town of my birth, I am an immigrant and I would not be entitled to it in common, but should I turn to the consulate, which had strongly advised me to do it in Italy given the long delays to obtain it. Suddenly

I wish I had a passport in 10 minutes. I realized that I do not have a passport, and who do not I ever have, why should I follow all the drawing and I am sure that I would run all the balls after only two minutes of typical Italian bureaucratic problems that leave it out.

I also realize that I am tired of being foreign to waste time on any document, of always having two or three times to revise the document to submit English Italian document followed by the certificate, complete with empadronamiento and then you know what else are invented.
I realize that I am tired of feeling foreign, and sometimes I'd feel at home.

Gabi received his passport in English 10 minutes, with a fee of € 25 by submitting a simple document and a photo.
scartofie who knows how many I should make, spend maybe three times and wait months and months.

English passport in the hands of my son, the caress, rough, red brick, is written over Spain, he belongs to this country, and I wonder what country I belong to?


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