Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Medimix Ayurvedic Soap For Acne And Scars


My kids when they get home from school and kindergarten willingly plunge on puddings that I do.
are simple, my pudding, but most are fast to prepare.

Chocolate Pudding *** ***
In a saucepan, preferably with a double bottom with a whisk, beat an egg with 100 g of sugar.
Mix a few tablespoons of potato starch or cornstarch, as many of cocoa, a tablespoon of Nutella (you can omit it). A wire embedded pint of warm milk.
Put on low heat and, stirring constantly with a whisk to make no attack, let thicken.
Pour into the pudding mold portions, if you prefer through a sieve and let cool. I use silicone molds. Store in refrigerator
for a couple of hours and misshapen.

vanilla pudding *** ***
as above, omitting the cocoa powder and Nutella and adding a teaspoon of vanilla extract (or, better yet, leave to infuse for a quarter-hour half-stick vanilla open for long in milk)


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