Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Mother Big Boobs Milky

Interview # 2 Next meeting

Name? Renato Girometta

Age? 64

How did your passion for reading? a child told me many stories, all told at the time, but the few times I read it fairy tales or because the family, only my mother could read and had little else to do. But when he read something to me, seemed so "magical" the fact that picking up a package of paper .. Just watch and wonderful stories that came out, I could just (5 / 6 years) I learned to read and I have not stopped. In junior high then, I read the whole school library. At 13 I found the street edition bur perhaps lost someone "The steppe" of Chekhov, and I will open a horizon. I could fly away.

How many times have you read? Dante's Inferno, Crime and Punishment, War and Peace .. and many others, Conrad, Steinbeck, Chekhov and so on. I reread from time to time.

addition to her novels also read short stories, poems, biographies, essays and more? Yes, I read poetry and essays. I also like the stories.

What is the writer you've read more books? I am old and I read a lot. When an author I like, I read all his work. I have read everything I find so Pavese, Tolstoy, Conrad, Chekhov, Gogol, Dostoewskij, Moravia, Hemingway and many others including Saramago, Eco, Leo Malet, Paasilinna, etc. Coloane.

is also your favorite writer? Dante is my favorite. When I travel I always with me a copy of the comedy (it's a great company)

What is your opinion, a book that we can not read? Many are those who should read, but leaving out the classics I'd say the "Master and Margarita"

When you start a book and discover that you do not like, you strive to arrive at or leave him? If after 20 pages I am not convinced, I read a page and not for a while 'e.. Then I leave.

You are subscribed to a few literary magazine? No

Frequently websites, forums or blogs that talk about books? addition to our other sites do not go

do you feel about public libraries? Excellent, I take books from those of the district.

There was a book that changed your life? Yes, in addition to "The steppe" of Chekhov, an essay by Errico Malatesta "selected writings" in three volumes.

What do you think of contemporary Italian literature? There's quite a stir. There are good writers, young and old (we Mazzucco reading right now, one of many).

There is a geographic area in this period you seems particularly interesting for its literary production? I have always been fascinated by the writers of northern Europe: the Scandinavians, for example.

What is your relationship with the book as object? are sacred. I kept a lot of my books in his youth, cost me more than missing a meal. Now, now at my age, I keep only the ones that I reread that one day, (even for reasons of space) the other, once read, I make them move.

What book are you reading now? "Life" by Melania Mazzucco

How did you find the reading group? am one of the cofounders

Why did you decide to participate? I find it wonderful to talk to others of a book read by all

Until now what was the book or the series of readings that you liked most? The South American ... Belli, Marquez ...

What would you like to read in the future with the reading group? All Saramago

What do you think of the side events organized by the Group of reading? Excellent. Themed walks are my favorite.

Have you ever attended? Yes to all

you like to suggest some activities you'd like to do side with the other members of the reading group? I love to read and discuss books read, trips to theme, even long trips ever "in the footsteps of ....". Enough for me.

What do you think of our blog? Beautiful, trovarmici begin to feel comfortable. It is just beautiful.

active participation? Yes, sometimes I write my opinion. It's nice to continue the discussion from home ...

you have suggestions to improve it? No, I have proposed. These techniques are fast, but I think it is fairly complete.

you have anything else to add? I can just add a thanks to Maria Teresa, the beautiful ideas which (including this one) and effort he puts to improve our reading group.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Backstage Change Cloth Ftv

Happy New Year to all!
The next meeting of DF Ziano is scheduled for Wednesday, January 26, 2011 at 21

The book of the evening will be:
Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood by Rebecca Wells

And this is the Our reading program for the coming months:

February 2011: "The circle of fortune and happiness" by Amy Tan
March 2011: "The Red and the Black" by Stendhal
April 2011: "Death in Venice "by Thomas Mann
May 2011:" Suite Française "by Irene Nemirovsky
June 2011: "Arturo's Island" by Elsa Morante

Our meetings are open to all lovers of reading! We
last Wednesday of each month in the Public Library of Carla Carloni Ziano Piacentino. Those interested in participating is invited to attend the day indicated at 21 in the library (located on the top floor of the primary schools of Ziano P.no - right side door.).